Hello my loves!
Hello 2025!
I'm writing to you today from my winter hibernation cave because I feel inspired to share a few thoughts and an intuitive forecast for 2025 with you. Of course I hope that you've had a good start to the new year and that you can retreat to your nest like the squirrel, rest, conserve your energy and cover yourself with a cozy blanket, because it's still winter and therefore time for resting. (Did you know that the squirrel uses its tail as a blanket?🥹)
At the end of my New Year's ritual, I looked for a word that sums up my intentions for 2025 (or rather: the word found me). My word for this year is "intuition". I want to focus more on my inner wisdom again and learn to really trust it. And so, right at the beginning of the year, I challenged myself a little by asking my inner voice to send me an image that should represent this year. Fascinatingly, I immediately saw an image in my mind's eye and it showed the bioluminescence in the sea.

Bioluminescence in the sea is produced by algae that begin to glow when waves move. To me, it looks like glitter in the water and it is an image that has a certain magic to it. I interpret this image to mean that some things only become visible in the dark and that even when it is dark, there is magic in our world. I believe that this must be the focus so that the darkness does not swallow us.
Because when I intuitively feel into this year, it doesn't necessarily feel easy. Globally, we will face many challenges that affect us individually to a greater or lesser extent. But because we are all connected, I believe that these challenges affect us all in some way. Of course, this feeling worries me and the darkness scares me. But then I see the blue sparkles that tell me that it will be ok.
I asked my inner voice what we can do to really see the glitter in the darkness, because this natural phenomenon is rare. The conditions have to be right and we have to be in the right place at the right time. And here, too, I got an answer in the form of the waves of the sea. The water that represents the intuition and invites us to listen to our inner waves. To switch off the outside noise and listen to our inner source. In order to do this, we need our self-care practices. We have to take time for our own well-being so that we can shine in the dark. Just as we have to put on our own oxygen mask on an airplane before we can help others. Self-care is not selfish, it is more important than ever. Yes, for ourselves, but also for everyone around us, for nature, for our world.
My self-care practice at the moment consists of allowing myself to hibernate, cleaning and making my house cozy, spending time cuddling my cat, and making my body sweat by dancing.
I invite you to think about what you can do for yourself every day? And then actually do it! And maybe you would like to go on a journey of discovery to find bioluminescence, the glitter in the darkness, in your everyday life and in your challenges.
And now I'm going to go back to my hibernation mode. I'm going to grab my squirrel tail, wrap myself in it and dream of glitter in the sea. See you very soon!