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The forest is calling...

«The mountains are calling and I must go.»

John Muir

Recently I have been stumbling over this quote a lot and I can feel it, too. The call of the mountains. And the call of the forest and the nature.

First it was only a quiet whisper, reaching my ears years ago. But in the course of time it grew louder and now that I’m following it, something more arises from it. Like a clear mountainstream creativity flows from a source that almost ran dry. I can feel ideas letting my heart beat louder again and nature’s feelings and atmospheres inspiring me.

The Greek mountains.

This blog has already, after this short amount of time, become a precious place for me. Here I can unfurl creativly and I have found a space for my artistic emissions. Maybe no one reads or sees my words, pictures and stories; maybe people that already know me visit this place in the wide web and maybe someday strangers will arrive here. All of that actually doesn't really matter to me because the feeling alone, of being able to express something that I enjoy, makes me already incredibly happy and if it happens to strike a chord in someone else, my happiness is increased even more. Therefore: thank you to you who takes the time to join me on this journey!

I spent the last week dressing my creativity in another garment because I want to learn new things and broaden my artistic horizon. Inspired by the Swedish filmmaker Jonna Jinton (if you don’t know her: go check her out on YouTube, now!!!) I tried to tell a little story by making a film. My filming abilities are very basic, the music recordings aren’t perfect at all and the pictures are shaky and blurry. But regardless, I won’t let that keep me from sharing this video, because let’s be honest: I like it and it was a lot of fun to find the words, to write the “script”, to edit the clips and to capture the atmosphere I wanted to create in music that I composed specifically for that little project.

Without further ado: Enjoy! =)

November 27th, 2020


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I'm also a yoga teacher and forest bathing instructor. See you on the mat?

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