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Making space

Letting go of summer is always hard for me. "Yes, Silvana, you have written about that a thousand times. We know it by now.", you might think and I get it. I sound like a broken record. But here's the news: I think autumn is my new favorite season. Sorry summer! ;-)

Alp da Stierva
By a lake on the alp of Stierva

The change of the landscape inspires me. Not only to create things, but to make space for the new. As nature shows, only through dying, new things are able to come into being. Out with the old, in with the new. In the celtic calendar, but also in our culture, the end of October symbolizes a time of transition. Some remember the dead during these days and I, too, will enter the darker time of the year with a ritual. Like nature I want to be transformed, letting go of the old in order to blossom anew.

In the last chapter I have written about being in the phase of rest and that I am learning to accept the natural changes. Just as I had published this post, inspiration got a hold of me again. The colors too bright, the light too beautiful, the atmosphere magical, the pictures shot themselves. So I packed my camera and went on a few hikes in the region to capture the golden fall in the mountains. Even though I can still strongly feel the energy of this season and I yearn to turn my focus inwards, I notice a little nudge to create and so I made a short video to remember how beautiful autumn is. Maybe it will help me next year to feel less melancholic when summer has passed and to celebrate this season, my new favourite time.


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crappa e plema, Steine und Federn

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